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How to create an XML using your own root element.

+4 votes
Create an XML using your own root element and name one of the child-elements <question></question> and name its attribute to 'id' with a value assign to it.

<element1 options="10">
<questions>Who are you</questions>
<name>Joe Yende</name>
posted 12 years ago in XML by yende (9,130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Create an XML using your own root element and name one of the child-elements <question></question> and name its attribute to 'id' with a value assign to it.

<element1 options="10">
<questions>Who are you</questions>
<name>Joe Yende</name>
answered 10 years ago by hoanglong80 (450 points)

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