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How to understand easily the terms of your exercises as a new student who had not such kind of knowledge before?

+11 votes
I am sure that I need to know the way that's how to understand easily the Standardization of Programming and other exercises Terminology for a new student who had not such kind of knowledge before. The terms, explanation of codes and cause of choosing the codes for what we wishes, if it is possible.

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posted 12 years ago in Exercises by chanmg84 (1,860 points)

1 Response

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This site is just an aid to learning.  It helps you with getting started in a "learning by doing" manner, where part of the experience is typing the code and having somebody walk you through part of various languages' core features.

It is not a substitute for:

* Reading the basic description of the language you are learning in Wikipedia.  Seriously, this is a good step to insert for yourself somewhere along the point as you go through exercises.

* Reading the official documentation found elsewhere on the Internet for the languages you are learning.

* Setting up a web server or getting a web hosting account somewhere so that you have a place to practice coding where you can use your code on an actual website you create.  You are going to end up needing to do this.  There is no escaping it in order to get to an intermediate level of skill.  To master these technologies you will need to code daily.
answered 12 years ago by codeadmin (113,880 points)

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