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how do i start learning html?

+21 votes
posted 12 years ago in HTML by smarter04 (1,050 points)

5 Answers

+4 votes
I would complete the interactive HTML exercises along with getting a decent HTML book for the study.
answered 12 years ago by tykimus (12,010 points)
+1 vote
There are tutorials you would find on W3Schools as well as Tizag. Go through them.

And, do make sure you keep coding and reading simultaneously. And keep practising. Without practice, there is no use of reading.

Books I don't think are required as there are rich online resources you can use.

All the very best! :)
answered 12 years ago by Shouvik Mukherjee (1,340 points)
0 votes
There are also free templates online that you can download and look at the source code to see how they did what they did and see if you can recreate it - that is how I learned HTML and CSS. Firefox has a neat tool where you can view the source of the selected area on a webpage so you can select a specific area on the webpage and look at the source. If a website interests you, just check the source code and try to recreate it. Get a good book and a good tutorial that does things step-by-step.

Hope this helped
answered 12 years ago by kamronb (1,110 points)
Very good advice. Try Amazon for the book if you really want to take the time to read it.
–1 vote
when you get familiar with basic tags it might be worth reading "dive into html5" by mark pilgrim
answered 12 years ago by John Smith (3,410 points)
0 votes
i found these 2 site very useful:
answered 12 years ago by knaggs.cuan (2,520 points)

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