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I want to learn PHP

+14 votes
I am Oracle Experienced Professional.
I want to learn any environment like PHP , HTML, JAVA
some one advised me to go for Open source environment like PHP
is that true
if yes I would like to know the link where I can understand the
total environment like
aht is required, how to develop, how to deploy
Best Regards
posted 12 years ago in Other by arshadansari5688 (1,180 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Step 1. You need a "php server" (something like a DB Oracle Server) with an account on it (search for free hosting with php). Example: http://www.xhost.ro/host/

Step 2. Run the examples from http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_syntax.asp (2.1 on your local computer create the txt file with the name file1.php; 2.2 put the code on it; 2.3 save it; 2.4 FTP on the web; 2.5 run it, for example http://youdomain.xhost.ro/file1.php )

Step 3. Read the examles and run the test on the PHP server.
answered 12 years ago by Formator Curs (530 points)
0 votes
I think you have some mistakes
PHP, HTML , JAVA is not environment. They are programming language

As Formator Curs answered ,  you can learn any programming language from  http://www.w3schools.com/

For deployment
PHP and HTML is using Apache
JAVA is using Tomcat
answered 12 years ago by vqdat169 (2,090 points)

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