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trouble on 2 exercise problem 6 0f html

+2 votes
i cant make a 3 x 5 table with a row span of 3 please help
posted 12 years ago in HTML by Matthew Tembo (6,610 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Please note that
<tr> </tr> creates a row     and     <td></td> creates a column.

this is the answer   but  i strongly recommend that u understand it and do it again yourself  or u won't be able to continue .Best of luck

<table border="1">
<td rowspan="3">row span(1x1, 2x1)</td>
<td>cell 1x2</td><td>cell 1x2</td><td>cell 1x2</td><td>cell 1x2</td>
<td>cell 1x2</td><td>cell 1x2</td><td>cell 1x2</td><td>cell 1x2</td>
<td>cell 1x2</td><td>cell 1x2</td><td>cell 1x2</td><td>cell 1x2</td>
answered 12 years ago by Abdullah Muhamed (2,500 points)

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