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Warning: array_combine() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given - = - and other error: Undefined variable: mixed

0 votes
PHP → Arraysview exercises
Creating arrays
Examine and try out the following code:

$mixed = array_combine($numbers,$fruits);
echo $mixed[10];

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php> $numbers=array(1,5,10);
php> $fruits=array('apple', 'banana', 'watermelon');
php> $mixed = array_combine($numbers,$fruits);
Warning: array_combine() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given
php> echo $mixed[10];
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: mixed

What is wrong at this exercise ???? Please help. Someoane any ideas???
posted 12 years ago in PHP by SUNRISER (2,050 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Thanks for trying out code.he.net Beta.

Please run them as a single line(see below):

php> $numbers=array(1,5,10); $fruits=array('apple','banana','watermelon'); $mixed = array_combine($numbers,$fruits); echo $mixed[10];

Let us know if the problem continues.
answered 12 years ago by codeadmin (113,880 points)
Yes, the exception was caused by the compiler compile each line, so that it can not understand $number and $fruits

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