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can anyone tell me why is this incorrect?

+6 votes
<table border="1">
<tr> <th>header1</th> <th>header2</th> </tr>
<tr> <td>cell 1</td> <td>cell 2</td> </tr>
<tr> <td>cell 3</td> <td>cell 4</td> </tr>
posted 12 years ago in HTML by Alejandro Chavarría (3,400 points)

4 Answers

–4 votes
What do you mean by incorrect?
it's still work. I don't see any error.
answered 12 years ago by quoctuan.haui (1,150 points)
+1 vote
Can you please tell me what exercise number is this and what the instruction is?
answered 12 years ago by codeadmin (113,880 points)
+2 votes
I did the same thing. Technically it's right but the system asks for 2 rows and that includes the th tags
answered 12 years ago by knaggs.cuan (2,520 points)
BEST ANSWER!!! Thanks, knaggs.cuan.  Like Alejandro I interpreted the question incorrectly.  For anyone wondering this question is question 2 in HTML Tutorial II.
0 votes
u have'nt put the '>' sign in html end tag. write this sign then ur code will work.
answered 11 years ago by waseem.shah20 (1,350 points)

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